Nude guys + reflector + beach

Steven on beach

Mind-blowing combination! I bought the reflector few days before our road trip and could not wait to try it out with guys at Pärnu beach. I had no experience with reflectors, only some idea how it might work.

Steven in waterSteven in water

Steven in water

Steven in water

After some sunbathing and playing in the sea I grabbed my camera and reflector and joined guys in the water again. First I was trying to manage myself positioning the 75 cm silver/gold reflector correctly and same time adjusting polarizing filter on lens; it can be done, but it is much better to have gorgeous assistants willing to help out.

Anton in waterAnton in water

Anton in water

Anton in water

Some guys still try to fight back when I tell them to get naked, but they admitted that considering my persistency it is wiser to give in when I insist. I also promised I would cut (photoshop) their accidentally exposed manhood off on the photos.

Steven and AntonSteven and Ali

Steven assisting with the reflector

75 cm circular silver/gold reflector was used for all photos in this post except for this (Steven with reflector) and the first photo. Hoya’s circular polarizing filter on Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 lens was used on all of these photos.

Photos were taken on July 18th at the nude area of Pärnu beach, which is somewhere there, right next to ladies beach.


I had such a hard time trying to choose, which of the 300 photos of the day to leave out of this post. Finally, decided to divide them into different posts, so there are some more selections coming up some day soon.

Thanks to Ali, Anton and Steven for the great day and the awesome photos.

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