“I love You!” were the first words of Steven when I introduced myself to him and his girlfriend over a year ago at a reception by saying that I took photos of their rehearsal and had a CD with photos for them.
With Steven being in many leading roles on the ballet performances, I have had great chance to take photos of him in action on stage but have always waited for a chance to have a private photo shoot with him.
Here’s a hint of the photos from the same session which did not make it to this post yet. There’s enough material for 2 more posts waiting for me to have time to work on them.
Thank You Steven!!!
Nii magus pilt lõpus… Loodan, et järgmiste postitustega trumpad üle!
Aitäh Silja!!!
Magusust ei oska lubada, eks näis, mis neist piltidest välja tuleb. Küll aga tasakaalustan blogi üldist maskuliinsust ja teen ühe postituse ainult jalgade omanikust, neiust. Temal jääb küll kõikidel fotodel pluus selga, kuid arvan, et siiski kenad fotod :) Neiu toimetati kohale eksprompt ja vaatamata minu kohmetusele ta armastas kaamerat :) Niiet usun, et ok tulemus. A eks peagi ehk näeb.
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