View on the fireworks of 2008->2009 in Tartu, from my sofa! Actually I was taking photos on my balcony but guys sitting on my sofa had the same view through full length door windows. I also have to admit that such moment never happened and the image is combination of about four different moments. I did not use tripod and just leaned on the balcony poles to get something decent with 10 second exposures. All the single photos had some flaws so I decided to put the best pieces together on one.
So the 2009 has arrived.. Every year a friend of mine sends me a story of what he can read out from my astrological chart. This time he told me that some major changes were ahead and they were not going to be easy on me. The storm is on its way and the first strong gusts have already arrived.
I know astro-chart is not a product I could return to a store and tell that I am not pleased with it and would like to choose another one. Regardless of that I told my friend that I was not pleased to hear about the coming tough changes as I have already been having tough times.
Words from his reply have been on my mind ever since – only a flexible tree will live through the storm. Those who cling to past will suffer the most. Those who know how to live in the present moment and have flexibility to adjust with the flow will make it through the storm.
Hence, I will try to be flexible and bend as needed to make it through the storm of changes.
Loodan, et see ennustatav torm muutub kergeks tuuleks. Ja,et sa oleksid see “puu”, mis ka kõige suuremale orkaanile vastu peaks…
Kõike kõige ilusamat Sulle Uude Aastasse!!
Suured tänud Sulle kallis Elerin! Püüan jah paindlikult raskused üle elada ja nautida, mida elu toob. Sullegi uueks kõike paremat!