Hey Ranno, does this guy really exist or some fixed acclaimed pics? Damn, I have never seen a statue like this in my life. Is he gay? If Yes, could I pay A million pounds just to have him in bed for just once. God! he is damn too gorgeous. Any contact address of him? He could go for a supermodel if he’s not one already. This is my first time browsing through your website and indeed this is the most fascinating page in it. Can his pics be downloaded? Any more pics of him. He is a bam.
The guy is real and the photos are mine, so thank You for Your passionate words :)
He’s not yet a model, but working on it and likely soon to be one. As of the other questions, I rather not answer them here. Can’t give You his contacts either but I would forward him Your e-mail if You send me one.
I do plan to add one or few more photos of the same photo shoot some day. I will try some more photo montage on them. So most likely there will be more and more photos of Joe.
Eks tööjõudu alati tarvis :) Korterisse tasapisi plaanis osta lampe ja kangast, et veel sobivamaks stuudioks teha, kuid jah, ka praegusena juba mõnusalt kasutatav.
Joe-st jah samast seeriast veel vähemalt üks pilt plaanis avaldada, aga sellega tarvis veel veits mängida kui aega saan. Samas sellest postitusest 2 pilti vist kaovad mingi aeg ära. Kõik pildid alati avaldatud modellide nõusolekul, kuid varem või hiljem hakkavad kõik kurtma, et äkki see ja teine pilt hakkab nende karjääri kahjustama. Kuigi püüan panna vaid selliseid pilte, mis minu hinnangul sündsad, siis austan modellide palveid ja täidan esimesel nõudmisel.
Great! thank you for answering my questions. Can I get him to advise me on what to do to put my body in a better shape? I’m atheletic, but not like Joe. Sure he must have some secrets that have kept him amazingly fit. He is really gorgeous. My friends have been screaming… We have goodlooking black guys here in London, but your man is incredible.I love him.
Hmmm…what an amazing guy. His body is perfect. He is doing a great job on himself. Blair was right. He must be everyone’s dream including the chicks. Our next H&M supermodel. BRAVO TO YOU, JOE. Thank you for uploading these pics here. Joe is my role model. Because of him, i now work harder in the gym to at least achieve a bit of how he looks.
Jes! he looks just like my man Tyrese, but more sexier and muscular. For once I thought he was Tyrese. More pic of him? Thank you Ranno. You do have foresight. He’s a monument.
hello, ranno, all the pics in your blog are amazing. The ones from st petersburgh and the sleeping beauty are excellent. Who is this guy? Are you sure he’s not a model like you replied Blair? He is really sexy and cute. I wonder how he keeps his fitness. It’s really amazing. Seems as though I have seen him on the walls of some clothing shops. He looks like one of these popular black models normally seen in magazine. You are very good at designing..don’t you think working in a modelling agency might pay off?
Beautiful blog, ranno. keep it up.
Wow! Erica, u’re right. he looks like a popular face in the modelling world. Well, if he is not, then he should enrol. He’s perfect for modelling. But man, i must say that the guy is really sexy and gorgeous. With a guy like him, I wouldn’t need to be told that I won a jackpot.
Good work ranno. I don’t know you, but i love your blog and really enjoyed watching these pretty pics, and reading the stories in ur blog. Please upload more photoes of your man, as u promised. admiring him alone is a great pleasure.
hey Ranno,i was looking for something on the net and i came across your blog. It’s a nice one. Keep it running. hmmmmmmmmmm..nice pics..sexy body..handsome guy. Where is he from? AFRICAN AMERICAN?
Everyone, .. Dizzyme, Erica, Billy, Jack – thank You for the comments, I love the comments! :) And Blair, my special thanks to U for sharing my blog with Your friends. I really appreciate it. Oh, and Blair, fly Your athletic body over here for a photo shoot.
Joe has not admitted having any previous modeling jobs, but recently he has been accepted for a modeling class. So maybe soon he will be the one on the huge window posters.
As of the fitness. Since he hasn’t replied anything here himself yet, I’ll tell what I see. Leaving aside 8 years of military, football, basketball, some gym, it is most likely the genes that are responsible for this incredible body. So guys, unfortunately, despite all possible fantasies and solutions You might think of, it is not possible to transfer one guy’s genes to another guy. Molecular biology is actually the real field of my work and studies, so I do know a bit about that. But keep on with the gym. I know I do – one day, with enough gym and sun bed, I will be like Joe :)
More about Joe.. We are working on his website and will try to finish it during the Christmas break. There will be full biography, but photos of this post, however, will not be up there. It will be more official site. But indeed, with this high demand for Joe’s photos, I will work on taking and uploading more photos once in a while.
Maybe some day photos of both of my guys together or all 3 of us :)
he is amazing indeed, a monument to adore. From your story about him, I clearly understand that this guy is a Nigerian. That’s great. Nigerians are very gorgeous people. My partner is a Nigerian and we’ve had a wonderful relationship. I vowed never to cheat on him, but with Joe, I would choose to do so. He’s really cute and sexy… Your sleeping beauty pics are really nice.
HMMM…How much did you pay this beautiful and most sought after myth to have his pics displayed here? Well,I know him and have never slept for one night ever since I saw him… Very nice guy who knows what he wants, full of principles, intelligent and smart
Mikko, thank U for sweet comment :) He is indeed half Nigerian (Igbo), but born and raised in Liberia, so mostly Liberian.
Dizzyme, hint taken :) We are aware me and Margus aren’t closely as hot as Joe. Yet, if some pics of us will turn out nice, they will be here. But indeed, most pics will be of Joe alone.
Till, yes, he is all that You said, but You do need to get some sleep :) I have not made any money with photography, and have also not paid anything to my models. My condition for the photo shoot is a permission to publish approved selection of photos at my blog and the models/dancers have usually been satisfied getting full set of the photos in return.
Joe has read the comments and was very flattered by them all. ..and he has couple new poses in mind for next photo shoot, which we will hopefully do around Christmas time.
Mikko! I gladly accept the compliments on photos and will inform Joe about new compliment on his body :)
But again about his fitness – while he is going to gym couple times a week, his incredible body remains to be a mystery for guys who are going to gym every day. Joe has said that all guys in his family have arms like his, so I strongly believe that his amazing shape is mostly due to genetic predisposition.
Joe refuses to leave comments here saying it is not his blog, ..but maybe some day we’ll get at least one comment from him too :) We will set up Joe’s official website by the end of the year.
Hey Ranno, does this guy really exist or some fixed acclaimed pics? Damn, I have never seen a statue like this in my life. Is he gay? If Yes, could I pay A million pounds just to have him in bed for just once. God! he is damn too gorgeous. Any contact address of him? He could go for a supermodel if he’s not one already. This is my first time browsing through your website and indeed this is the most fascinating page in it. Can his pics be downloaded? Any more pics of him. He is a bam.
My name is Blair
Hey Blair!
The guy is real and the photos are mine, so thank You for Your passionate words :)
He’s not yet a model, but working on it and likely soon to be one. As of the other questions, I rather not answer them here. Can’t give You his contacts either but I would forward him Your e-mail if You send me one.
I do plan to add one or few more photos of the same photo shoot some day. I will try some more photo montage on them. So most likely there will be more and more photos of Joe.
Kuule, ma janunen järge :D Väga hea seeria… Lahe korter Sul!
Ma tuleks Sulle assistendiks :D Nii lahedad modellid! =)
Tänud Cillu!
Eks tööjõudu alati tarvis :) Korterisse tasapisi plaanis osta lampe ja kangast, et veel sobivamaks stuudioks teha, kuid jah, ka praegusena juba mõnusalt kasutatav.
Joe-st jah samast seeriast veel vähemalt üks pilt plaanis avaldada, aga sellega tarvis veel veits mängida kui aega saan. Samas sellest postitusest 2 pilti vist kaovad mingi aeg ära. Kõik pildid alati avaldatud modellide nõusolekul, kuid varem või hiljem hakkavad kõik kurtma, et äkki see ja teine pilt hakkab nende karjääri kahjustama. Kuigi püüan panna vaid selliseid pilte, mis minu hinnangul sündsad, siis austan modellide palveid ja täidan esimesel nõudmisel.
Great! thank you for answering my questions. Can I get him to advise me on what to do to put my body in a better shape? I’m atheletic, but not like Joe. Sure he must have some secrets that have kept him amazingly fit. He is really gorgeous. My friends have been screaming… We have goodlooking black guys here in London, but your man is incredible.I love him.
Hmmm…what an amazing guy. His body is perfect. He is doing a great job on himself. Blair was right. He must be everyone’s dream including the chicks. Our next H&M supermodel. BRAVO TO YOU, JOE. Thank you for uploading these pics here. Joe is my role model. Because of him, i now work harder in the gym to at least achieve a bit of how he looks.
Jes! he looks just like my man Tyrese, but more sexier and muscular. For once I thought he was Tyrese. More pic of him? Thank you Ranno. You do have foresight. He’s a monument.
hello, ranno, all the pics in your blog are amazing. The ones from st petersburgh and the sleeping beauty are excellent. Who is this guy? Are you sure he’s not a model like you replied Blair? He is really sexy and cute. I wonder how he keeps his fitness. It’s really amazing. Seems as though I have seen him on the walls of some clothing shops. He looks like one of these popular black models normally seen in magazine. You are very good at designing..don’t you think working in a modelling agency might pay off?
Beautiful blog, ranno. keep it up.
Wow! Erica, u’re right. he looks like a popular face in the modelling world. Well, if he is not, then he should enrol. He’s perfect for modelling. But man, i must say that the guy is really sexy and gorgeous. With a guy like him, I wouldn’t need to be told that I won a jackpot.
Good work ranno. I don’t know you, but i love your blog and really enjoyed watching these pretty pics, and reading the stories in ur blog. Please upload more photoes of your man, as u promised. admiring him alone is a great pleasure.
hey Ranno,i was looking for something on the net and i came across your blog. It’s a nice one. Keep it running. hmmmmmmmmmm..nice pics..sexy body..handsome guy. Where is he from? AFRICAN AMERICAN?
Everyone, .. Dizzyme, Erica, Billy, Jack – thank You for the comments, I love the comments! :) And Blair, my special thanks to U for sharing my blog with Your friends. I really appreciate it. Oh, and Blair, fly Your athletic body over here for a photo shoot.
Joe has not admitted having any previous modeling jobs, but recently he has been accepted for a modeling class. So maybe soon he will be the one on the huge window posters.
As of the fitness. Since he hasn’t replied anything here himself yet, I’ll tell what I see. Leaving aside 8 years of military, football, basketball, some gym, it is most likely the genes that are responsible for this incredible body. So guys, unfortunately, despite all possible fantasies and solutions You might think of, it is not possible to transfer one guy’s genes to another guy. Molecular biology is actually the real field of my work and studies, so I do know a bit about that. But keep on with the gym. I know I do – one day, with enough gym and sun bed, I will be like Joe :)
More about Joe.. We are working on his website and will try to finish it during the Christmas break. There will be full biography, but photos of this post, however, will not be up there. It will be more official site. But indeed, with this high demand for Joe’s photos, I will work on taking and uploading more photos once in a while.
Maybe some day photos of both of my guys together or all 3 of us :)
he is amazing indeed, a monument to adore. From your story about him, I clearly understand that this guy is a Nigerian. That’s great. Nigerians are very gorgeous people. My partner is a Nigerian and we’ve had a wonderful relationship. I vowed never to cheat on him, but with Joe, I would choose to do so. He’s really cute and sexy… Your sleeping beauty pics are really nice.
What a stud……
Pics of three of you might not be necessary, as we have seen you and the other guy in the other pages already. Pictures of Joe alone will be nice..
HMMM…How much did you pay this beautiful and most sought after myth to have his pics displayed here? Well,I know him and have never slept for one night ever since I saw him… Very nice guy who knows what he wants, full of principles, intelligent and smart
Mikko, thank U for sweet comment :) He is indeed half Nigerian (Igbo), but born and raised in Liberia, so mostly Liberian.
Dizzyme, hint taken :) We are aware me and Margus aren’t closely as hot as Joe. Yet, if some pics of us will turn out nice, they will be here. But indeed, most pics will be of Joe alone.
Till, yes, he is all that You said, but You do need to get some sleep :) I have not made any money with photography, and have also not paid anything to my models. My condition for the photo shoot is a permission to publish approved selection of photos at my blog and the models/dancers have usually been satisfied getting full set of the photos in return.
He looks like a fast runner. He must be a scandanvian celebrity and eye catch for all. nice pics..keep it up.
Petra, thank You for Your nice comment.
Joe has read the comments and was very flattered by them all. ..and he has couple new poses in mind for next photo shoot, which we will hopefully do around Christmas time.
Nice pictures and great body. Joe, what can I do to keep fit? I need tips.Thanks. MIKKO from Finland
Mikko! I gladly accept the compliments on photos and will inform Joe about new compliment on his body :)
But again about his fitness – while he is going to gym couple times a week, his incredible body remains to be a mystery for guys who are going to gym every day. Joe has said that all guys in his family have arms like his, so I strongly believe that his amazing shape is mostly due to genetic predisposition.
Joe refuses to leave comments here saying it is not his blog, ..but maybe some day we’ll get at least one comment from him too :) We will set up Joe’s official website by the end of the year.
Wish gorgeous Joe a merry chrismas and a happy new year for me. This pics are amazing.
Thanks Paulo! I forwarded Your wishes to Joe.
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