‘Peter Pan’ (‘Peeter Paan’) ballet performance in Theatre Vanemuine in Tartu was directed by choreographer Oksana Titova. Premiered 08.03.2008. On kind permission of Theatre Vanemuine I attended two rehearsals to take photos.
I realized I had never been to premier of children play which obviously was crowded with children. Throughout the whole performance questions and comments of children filled the audience – ‘who is that?’, ‘what are they doing now?’, ‘they aren’t actually that bad, are they’, ‘it’s boring!’, ‘nooo, you can not sit on this seat!!!’. As I heard later, first ‘who is that?’ was asked even before the curtains opened.
Photos have been published on permission of Theatre Vanemuine and dancers who are recognizable on the photos. Thanks to everyone for the permissions. I have one more permission request awaiting, and if it will be granted, I will add 2 photos later.
Here are dancers found on these photos with names linking to their profiles on website of Theatre Vanemuine.
- Antonio as Captain Hook (Kapten Konkskäsi),
- Hayley Jean Blackburn as Wendy,
- Colin Thomas Maggs as Peter Pan (Peeter Paan),
- Nashwa Dahab as Wendy,
- Janek Savolainen as crocodile (krokodill),
- Lilian Sarapuu as fairy princess (haldjaprintsess).
Tere! Väga ilusad pildid Sul minu etendusest ;)
Panin mõned oma kodukale koos sinu nimega, ega Sa ei pahanda?
Oksana! Väga vahva, et Sulle pildid meeldivad ja väga hea meel, et sobivad Su kodukale.
Ma ei mäleta, kas Sa kõigi piltidega plaadi oled saanud. Esietendusel plaanisin Sulle anda või edasi saata, ..aga ei mäleta enam, kas said selle.