I do consider myself to be a shy guy, but incidentally, especially with low blood level in my alcohol circulation, I may get rather harassive. So, on one of these rare moments, I approached a lonely-looking guy at a club and forced my introduction on him. Turned out he was currently working and did not seem to be much into conversation, but fortunately we managed to get in touch later on web.
Sometimes I think that I might sound like an old pervert when telling guys I want to take photos of them. I don’t know whether it is in my intonation or appearance or typos (due to which my offer may accidentally be read as “I want to have my way with You with my big Cannon”), but usually the first response is a frightened question “.. what kind of photos..?”. However, after a short explanation of my hobby, my suggestion usually succeeds to a photo shoot.

You might have noticed a sweater on the photos.. When I went to pick him up, he ran down the stairs in just the sweater. It must have been around +5°C and I first wanted to make him go back for some jacket, but seeing the big bag of clothes he had brought along for the photo shoot, I figured he could at least put all of those on if he got cold. Through the shoot the temperature kept dropping and I could not ask him to drop the sweater as he was already shivering from the very beginning. The costumes we left in the bag will just have to wait for the next time.
For the last photos I asked him to act cold – he did not have to act too hard for that :) Half an hour later it was already snowing pretty heavily.

Photos were taken on April 16th at the ‘ghetto’ of Linnahall, which is a neglected concert hall in Tallinn.

Chris the dancer on SUPERpilt:D Aga kas ta pärislt ka tantsib või on lihtsalt loomuliku hüppevõimega?
Väga tore, et meeldib! Chrisi võib tihti näha Tallinna klubides gogo-tantsupoisina :)