As unbelievable as it is, I finally did it! On December 17th, 2010, I defended the degree of Doctor Philosophiae in neurosciences. With that I graduated University of Tartu after over 11 years.
As grateful as I am for the opportunity to pursue my degree, it has not always been a joyful ride — juggling full time job with studies and research turned it all into a wild roller-coaster. At the end of summer, at the rock bottom, my path even took me to the door of a psychiatrist.
Philosophiae literally translates to “the love of wisdom”, but what Ph.D. degree is truly given for, as my friend Uku quoted, is stress tolerance.
Thanks to my nephew Siim for the photos from the commencement. And of course thanks to everyone who has helped me and believed in me throughout it all.
Palju palju õnne sulle! Tubli poiss :)
Aitäh kallis Elerin!!!
Tubli oled !
Aitäh Siim!!!
Congratulations; a fantastic feat