

I always seem to confuse foreigners when I try to explain them that beating them up in sauna with the bundle of birch branches we call ‘saunaviht’ is not my personal perverse and sadistic pleasure but is in fact an old Estonian sauna procedure. It is told to be good for blood circulation.

This was first time I have taken photos in sauna as I have always been concerned about taking my camera into the steamy conditions. Eventually, despite the steam, sweat and low light the photos at granny’s sauna turned out very nice; well, I really liked them.

While I loved the photo, Ali hated it and strongly resented publishing it until he finally, very unwillingly gave me the permission. Hence, if any of You find the image likable, some supportive comments would be really helpful for both of us :) Well, any comments are appreciated – really just interested, what people think of it.

All who are interested in reading and seeing more about Ali, have a look at his brand new website.

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2 thoughts on “Saunaviht

  • Ranno

    Aitäh Silja!!! After couple personal opinions I was about to accept, that I was the only one who for some reason liked the photo and I was about to take it off to be fair to Ali.

    So You saved the photo! Thank You :)