Contextual crisis

Eduard on sofa

It is cool and flattering that guys so often ask me when when when will I take photos of them. Eduard was featured on my blog few months ago, but by now he has been to gym regularly and built up more meat on his cute bones.

As grateful as I am for the interest of guys, I am all dry on ideas and context for the photos. At the last photo shoot I just sat with the camera on my lap and most of the times just mumbled “mmmhmh, sure, lets dry that…”, even though Edik is such a cute and adorable guy to take photos of.

I moved away from my apartment where I had my mini-studio and haven’t figured out where  I could use a studio in Tallinn. Then again, I am more eager to have something more on the photos than just the white or black studio background, would really love to have some context on the photos and behind the models.

Eduard on sofa

Well, I do have few ideas; there is one quite cheap studio I could rent, some people have rather nice apartments which could serve as good background for some sort of context, maybe I’ll manage to get more than one guy on the photos at the same time. Oh, at the gym my jaw dropped as I got a brief glance at what one of the guys was trying to hide in the corner of the shower cabin – even though I am known to be a shy guy, I was so eager to ask whether I could have him for some artsy underwear shots. No, did not dare to ask yet, but maybe some day :D


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