Love Yourself

Ranno tying "twin's" shoelaces

As suggested by a science report this week, loving oneself and having a high self-esteem may actually protect heart and immune system.

Due to the nose surgery I had on Monday I have been home for the whole week with a nasal menstruation. If You are up for a laugh, You can have a look at a photo I took an hour after the surgery. With the week off and with an excuse to be lazy I really did not feel like doing anything else besides loving myself and playing with myself, seen on these photos :)

I got the idea for these photos couple days ago and yesterday, very excitedly, I experimented how the idea would actually work out. Over all, I think these are very cool! My photoshop-twins :)

Ranno with 'twin' and a teddy bear

Update (20.10.2010)! As my first experiment in video montage, You can now have a look at a VIDEO (watch here) (or in Youtube) of how I posed for my camera :) Video clips were recorded with webcam next to my photo camera.

Music on the video is ‘Make Love’ by Billie The Vision & The Dancers – once upon a time they gave me permission to use their music for my online galleries, so I hope the permission is extended to videos too. Cool band, all their tracks are free to listen on they website.

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